Sale Order

A Sale Order is an internal document confirming the Customer order, and bears exact Quantities and Delivery details. Production Orders and Invoices are made based on the Sales Order.

Sale Order is of 2 types, SALE ORDER and JOB ORDER. Sale Order is selected when the customer buys the final product. Job Order is selected when the customer outsources a job to be done on his material and pays for the work.

How to create a Sale Order

  • Go to menu SALES -> SALE ORDER
  • Click on CREATE and add details in the fields as necessary
  • Choose the SALE ORDER TYPE as required
  • DOCUMENT NO and DOCUMENT DATE fields can refer to the Customer's additional release documents mentioning the Quantity and Delivery Dates
  • Sale Order can be created directly or with reference to a Customer PO / Quotation
  • To refer a document, select 'REFERENCE THROUGH' as Customer PO / Quotation, following which the document numbers will be listed in the 'REFERENCE NO' field
  • For the particular 'REFERENCE NO' selected, products and quantity will be listed
  • If the Sale Order is created without reference, all products will be listed for addition
  • Add all the mentioned terms and charges
  • On SAVE click, the Sale Order will be saved with OPEN status

Status Info

Only OPEN status Sale Order can be edited or deleted

Based on the Sale Order reference, once a Work Order is created, its status changes to PROCESSING

The Work Orders in which the Sale Order is referred have to be deleted, to revert its status to OPEN and make it editable

CLOSED Sale Orders cannot be referred in a Work Order

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