Bill of Material

A bill of material, sometimes referred as BOM, is a list of the Raw Materials, Semi-Finished Goods, Consumables and the quantities of each, needed to manufacture an end product.

The bill of material is linked to the Work Order, where the items listed in the Bill Of Materials are stock checked, allocated and issued for production.

How to Create a Bill Of Material

  • Click on CREATE and select PRODUCT for which BOM is created
  • Description for some of the other fields are as below
    • BOM TYPE - Production BOM as the name states is referred for production of the item, while Design BOM is referred to when a sample of the item is to be produced
    • BOM STATUS - There can be many Bill of Materials for the same product. What is the primarily used is set as the Primary BOM while the rest are set as Alternate BOM
    • While listing the RAW PRODUCT DETAILS, the dimension of the Raw Material can be specified as Length (L), Width (W) or Thickness (T)
    • Also, if there are multiple raw materials and they are denoted in design by a DRAWING NO or COMPONENT NAME, they can be optionally added
    • USAGE TYPE is Standard if without it the main Product cannot be made. Else it is set as Optional
    • QTY in Nos and based on the Product UOM, Qty in Kgs, Ltr or Mtr can be added in the Wt / Mtr field
  • Once all the details are entered, click on the SAVE button
  • The Bill of Material gets listed in the table view, with Status shown as PRIMARY or ALTERNATE

How to Amend a Bill Of Material

  • Select the row to be amended from the details view and click 'AMEND' button
  • A copy of the Quotation is created in which the product or rate details can be revised
  • The copy is saved with AMENDMENT NO automatically created
  • While the new copy will be saved with PRIMARY / ALTERNATE status, the old copy will be changed to AMENDED

Status Info

Once revised, the old Bill of Material with AMENDED status cannot be edited or used in Production

Only the PRIMARY and ALTERNATE Bill Of Materials will be listed in Work Order for production

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