Goods Receipt Note

Any material that arrives into the company, after a Gate check, is to be received at the receiving section of the stores by the Stores Incharge. The Stores Incharge will refer to the DC or other documents that come along with the material and input a Goods Receipt Note (GRN). The Items and the Received quantity are entered after manual verification.

How to Create a GRN

  • Click on CREATE above the details view and add the Supplier details
  • The GRN TYPE represents which Party type material is received and is 'Supplier' for Purchases
  • GRN can be created directly or with reference to a Purchase Order
  • To refer a document, select 'REFERENCE THROUGH' as Purchase Order, following which the document numbers will be listed in the 'REFERENCE NO' field
  • For the particular 'REFERENCE NO' selected, products and quantity will be listed
  • Select PRODUCT and enter exact RECEIVED QTY as against the ORDER QTY
  • If excess quantity is received, check the EXCESS check box field and add
  • Once all details are added, click on SAVE
  • Received quantities will be added to stock and GRN will be listed with OPEN Status

Status Info

OPEN status GRN can be edited or deleted. Stock will be reverted on record delete.

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