Purchase Order

Purchase Order is a document raised to a Supplier for purchase of bought out items. It consists of the Products to be bought along with the required quantity, and at the rate agreed upon.

How to Create a Purchase Order

  • Click on CREATE and add details in the fields as necessary
  • Mention the DELIVERY ADDRESS where material is to be delivered
  • Choose and add Products, and set DELIVERY DATE, QTY and RATE product-wise
  • Add all the required terms and charges
  • On SAVE click, the Purchase Order will be saved with OPEN status

Status Info

Only OPEN status Purchase Orders can be edited or deleted

Based on the Purchase Order reference, once a Goods Receipt Note is created, its status changes to PROCESSING if partial products and quantity is referred, or CLOSED if all of its products and quantity is referred

The Goods Receipt Note in which the Purchase Order is referred has to be deleted, to revert its status to OPEN and make it editable

Purchase Orders for which part quantity has been received and remaning quantity is not expected can be SHORT CLOSED by selecting the row and clicking on the SHORT CLOSE button

CLOSED or SHORT CLOSED Purchase Orders cannot be referred further in Goods Receipt Note

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