
Products fall under Categories. This makes for better classification and helps in filtering data.

How to Create a Category

  • Go to menu MASTERS -> CATEGORY
  • Click on CREATE and choose a PRODUCT TYPE
  • Product Types are a standard classification, and all products will fall under one of the below listed type
    • ASSEMBLY - When 2 or more products are brought together to make a final product for sale, its called an Assembly
    • FINISHED GOOD - A product that has been manufactured and ready for sale
    • SEMI FINISHED GOOD - A product that has been manufactured but not fully finished for sale
    • RAW MATERIAL - Materials that are purchased and processed in order to make a final product
    • PACKING MATERIAL - Are used to make a product ready for despatch or sale
    • SPARE PARTS - Spare Parts are used in an Assembly and are also sold for replacement
    • CONSUMABLES - Materials consumed in the process of manufacturing
    • TOOLS - Used in manufacturing for specific processes and retained until the process is complete
    • RETAIL - Products that are directly bought and sold to customer
  • Add Category and other details as required
  • Click on SAVE to save the new Category

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