Common Operations


Soon after login, the application lands in the dashboard home page.

  • On the left is the MENU panel
  • On the top of the menu panel is a combo box showing the FISCAL YEAR. By selecting previous or next fiscal year, data for that year is set and available.
  • The top blue title bar shows the logged in USERNAME on the extreme right with a dropdown list showing PROFILE and LOGOUT options.
  • The HAMBURGER ICON on the left of the title bar can be used to expand or collapse the menu panel.

Detail View

Once a menu is clicked, records are shown listed in a table layout. This represents the Detail View and its features are as below.

  • Records in the Detail View are PAGINATED and by default 10 records are shown in a page
  • From the SEARCH field on the top left, any column data can be searched out
  • To view or edit the details of a record, just double click on the row. A new page will be shown with the record in FORM VIEW.
  • To create a new record click on the CREATE button above, which will open into a new form
  • For DELETE and PRINT options, select the row and click on the button above to execute the same

Form View

Across all menus, once a record is double clicked from the Detail View, it opens up in a FORM VIEW and its common operations are as listed below.

  • All COMBO BOX fields have middle search option. Some of them work as combo box and input text box.
  • In the MASTER menus, mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk, and in the TRANSACTION menus, required fields will be red highlighted upon ADD or SAVE
  • In the TRANSACTION menus, fields are distributed as 3 sections - the header, multigrid, and the footer section
  • The header section consists of the primary required fields, eg., Order No and Customer details
  • The footer section consists of the order terms and amount total calculations
  • The Multigrid section allows to add multiple details to the same order or form and its operations are detailed below
  • The final SAVE or CANCEL click will complete the operation and redirect user to the Detail View

Multigrid in Form

Multigrid is the table in the Form View to which multiple data can be added and establish a one-to-many relationship. The operations in the multigrid are as below.

  • To add multiple data, the fields above above the table are filled
  • The '+' icon button on the top right of the multigrid adds the field data into the grid
  • The '-' icon button clears the fields
  • Records can be selected using the checkbox, and removed by clicking the DUSTBIN icon above
  • In order to edit a record, double click on the row in the grid which will set the data in the fields above. Data can be edited and again added back into the grid which will update the same row

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