
An Invoice is the final document given to the customer that specifies the cost of the product or service offered and the total amount to be paid.

In Relic ERP , BILL TYPE Estimate is available apart from Sales Bill. For an Estimate payment cannot be accepted. Sales Bill is raised for Products sold.

How to Create an Invoice

  • Go to menu SALES -> INVOICE
  • Click on CREATE and add details in the fields as necessary
  • Choose INVOICE TYPE as required
  • Invoice can be created directly or with reference to a Sale Order
  • To refer a document, select 'REFERENCE THROUGH' as Sale Order, following which the document numbers will be listed in the 'REFERENCE NO' field
  • For the particular 'REFERENCE NO' selected, products and quantity will be listed
  • On click of '+' button, quantity will be checked in Stock, and only then allowed into the multigrid
  • Add all terms, taxes and additional charges as required
  • On SAVE click, Stock will be subtracted and Invoice saved with OPEN status

Status Info

Invoice saved in OPEN status can be anytime edited or deleted

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