Customer PO

Customer PO is where the Purchase Order confirmation received from the Customer is added. Customer PO is of two types, BLANKET PO and STANDARD PO.

In the Blanket PO, products are listed with only the agreed upon price. Quantities will be requested separately and can be later added in the Sale Order. Standard PO is a regular one-time order with the products, quantity and price mentioned.

How to Create a Customer PO

  • Go to menu SALES -> CUSTOMER PO
  • Click on CREATE and add details in the fields as necessary
  • Choose the CUSTOMER PO TYPE as required
  • Customer PO can be created directly or with reference to a Quotation
  • To reference a Quotation, select 'REFERENCE THROUGH' as Quotation, following which Quotation Nos will be listed in the 'REFERENCE NO' field
  • For the particular 'REFERENCE NO' selected, products and quantity will be listed
  • If the PO is created without reference, all products will be listed for addition
  • Add all the mentioned terms and charges
  • On SAVE click, the Customer PO will be saved with OPEN status

How to Amend a Customer PO

  • Only if the CUSTOMER PO TYPE is 'Blanket PO' it can be amended
  • Select the row to be amended from the details view and click 'AMEND' button
  • A copy of the Customer PO is created in which the product or rate details can be revised
  • Save the copy with AMENDMENT NO mentioned
  • While the new copy will be saved with OPEN status, the old copy will be changed to 'AMENDED' status

Status Info

Only OPEN status Customer PO can be edited or deleted

Based on the Customer PO reference, once a Sale Order is created, its status changes to PROCESSING if partial products and quantity is referred, or CLOSED if all of its products and quantity is referred

The Sale Order in which the Customer PO is referred has to be deleted, to revert its status to OPEN and make it editable

AMENDED or CLOSED Customer PO cannot be referred in a Sale Order

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