
A product is anything that can be sold to a market that might satisfy a want or need. In retailing, products are called Merchandise. In Manufacturing, products are bought as Raw Materials and sold as ASSEMBLY, FINISHED GOODS or SEMI FINISHED GOODS.

How to Create a Product

  • Go to menu MASTERS -> PRODUCT
  • Click on CREATE to open a new form and add all inputs
  • A brief description about some of the input fields is given below
    • PRODUCT CODE - The Code has to be unique and easily searchable. If its a manufactured item, the Drawing No can be the Product Code
    • ATTACHMENT - Drawings can be saved along with the Product
    • LOCATION DETAILS - Products have to be assigned to a single or multiple store or location
    • ATTRIBUTE DETAILS - Attributes such as Color, GSM, Specific Gravity etc, can be added here Attributes are used to filter products in reports with the same attribute
    • SPECIFICATION DETAILS - Specification and Application details of the product if available will be shown in orders and displayed below product in print
  • Click on the SAVE button once all mandatory fields are entered
  • A new Product will be created and listed in the detail view, with ACTIVE status

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