About RelicERP

RelicERP is a minified business application that helps manage all business information at one place. It offers the core business activities, starting from Quotation to Invoice in the most easiest of manner. Once you get your business started on RelicERP, it is bound to add sophistication to your business.

Introduction to the User Guide

The RelicERP User Guide is divided into 4 sections.

  1. Getting Started : To get started on the application an initial setting up of company related inputs is required. This section helps you with those menus, as well as the general operations and layout.

  2. Masters : Master data includes the product, party and other details which will be referred in all transactions. This section helps in setting up the master data.

  3. Transactions : All business transactions available in RelicERP have been listed as subsections and its workings explained.

  4. Reports and Dashboard : Reports are a great way to assess progress in daily business activities and plan for future growth. RelicERP has comprehensive reports and dashboard indicators which are introduced here.

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